I’d prefer to let my products do the talking for me… so go ahead and order some, cook something nice, share it with your family, and that ‘s pretty much all that matters. If you really like reading and want to learn more, here you go. I am originally from Huntington Beach, California. I left California when I was one year old. My family moved to Saudi Arabia where I never got to eat any pork products at all. Seriously, we only had beef bacon. Being an ex-pat brat was fun. My family was really into traveling and eating. I was the official food-tester because of my hyper-sensitive palette. I could taste if foods were going off. International food travel was kinda adventurous in the 70’s and 80’s. I was exposed to a wide variety of food throughout Europe, the Middle-East, and Asia. After high-school in Washington state I attended the Western Culinary Institute in Portland, Oregon, and completed my internship with Sheraton in Waikiki. Then, I moved out to Taiwan. I had a fun time with jobs like acting, writing, and videography but it was kind of my fate to do something food-related. So I started this company in 2013. We supply a lot of great restaurants run by some of the best chefs in Taiwan. I would say the style of my food is grown-up expat brat. My first food love will always be Middle Eastern food. When I started cooking as a teenager I got deep into French, Italian, and Mexican cuisine. From there I spread out everywhere… I’m all over the place. That’s why our product line-up has classic foods you’d find in North America, Eastern Europe, and Hawaii.
我最初來自加利福尼亞州的亨廷頓海灘。我一歲時離開了加利福尼亞。我的家人搬到了沙烏地阿拉伯,在那裡我從來沒有吃過任何豬肉產品。說真的,我們只吃了牛肉培根。從小就作為一位老外很有趣。我的家人真的很喜歡到處旅行和品嚐美食。而因為我的超敏感體質,我常常是家中推出的食品測試員。如果食物不新鮮,我可以立刻品嚐出來,在 70 年代後期,國際美食旅行其實有點冒險。在歐洲、中東和亞洲,我接觸到了各種各樣的食物。在華盛頓州高中畢業後,我就讀於俄勒岡州波特蘭市的西部烹飪學院,並在夏威夷威基基的喜來登酒店完成了實習。然後,我搬到了台灣。我在表演、寫作和攝像等工作上玩得很開心,但做一些與食物有關的事情是我的命運。所以我在 2013 年創辦了這家公司。我們提供許多由台灣最好的廚師經營的一流餐廳。我會說我的食物風格是成熟的外籍小子。我對食物的初戀永遠是中東食物。當我十幾歲時開始烹飪時,我深入研究了法國和義大利美食,也到了當地到處吃吃喝喝……我熱愛美食。這就是為什麼我們的產品系列擁有您在北美、東歐和夏威夷都能找到的食物。
This is Eva. She doesn’t usually paint her face. This photo was taken at a yoga festival. The artwork was done by some hippy dude. Eva is a professional yoga teacher and the woman in charge of all the behind-the-scenes important stuff required to run a moderately successful food company. If you buy bacon from us, you’ll most likely be dealing with her. Those bags that bacon is sealed in? She ordered them. Those label stickers on the bags, she coordinated the printing with the printing company. She even drove down to their office and picked them up. She orders the salt, and the sugar, and the boxes the bacon goes into. She deals with all of the accountants at all of the restaurants and with all of the chefs too. But she doesn’t write publicity introductions, so that’s why she’s having me do this. If you want to try out one of her yoga classes, visit her instagram account- yogawithevaaa.
如果您想嘗試她的瑜伽課程,她的instagram帳戶 - yogawithevaaa。